Food is everything
the magazine

Food is everything, the magazine


Fresh herbs: How to use them and preserve them

Having fresh herbs to cook with means being able to add a touch of flavour and aesthetics to any dish. Wondering how to take full advantage of these fragile yet flavourful herbs? And how to properly store them? Read on to find out!

Chopped herbs in containers

Extremely practical, chopped herbs sold in plastic containers are a great ally in the kitchen. Are you wondering what to do with the leftovers? There are several ways of preserving your fresh herbs, but know that they don’t keep for much longer than 7 or 8 days in the fridge.
  • The first solution is to remove them from their plastic container, place the stems in a glass filled with 2-3 cm of water, and store them in the fridge. If you change the water daily, you should be able to stretch them 2, maybe even 3, weeks.
  • The second option is to remove them from their plastic container, rinse them thoroughly, wrap them in a damp paper towel, and store them in the fridge. It’s important to keep the paper towel humid at all times.
  • Another solution is to rinse your herbs under water and store them in a Ziploc bag. Make sure to remove all the air from the bag so that it sticks to the herbs and prevents them from browning.

Potted herbs

2 ways to keep your herbs fresher, longer:

Common mistakes when caring for herbs
When it comes to potted herbs, moderation is key—they don’t like too much afternoon sun or water! And watering guidelines vary depending on whether your plants are indoors or outdoors. Outdoor plants need to be watered more than once a week, because the sun and wind dry them out faster. And make sure your soil is combined with a bit of compost. You can also add fertilizer, but no more than 2 or 3 times during the warmer months.

So you just bought a nice bouquet of herbs and you’re wondering what to do with it?

A few perfect pairings!
Basil: With tomatoes, in pasta, on chicken, ice cream, or in a gaspacho
Chives: In a vinaigrette, sauce, or salad
Parsley: In tabbouleh salad or marinades
Sage: On gnocchis or gnudis
Dill: In a yogurt vinaigrette on fish or with cucumbers
So now that you know how to preserve your fresh herbs and add a touch of flavour to all your meals, drop by your IGA store and stock up today. We have a wide variety to choose from: Mint, basil, chives, tarragon, and so much more!

3 delicious recipes
Oven-baked tarragon fries and minty fresh fruit salad are ideal summer dishes, and this strawberry basil jam makes the perfect gift!

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